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A guide to Maui: Hikes

Maui is absolutely breath taking, it doesn’t matter what you are doing.. whether you’re driving down the poly and see that coastal drive, or you’re shopping at the grocery store and when you walk out you see the valley isle (scenic mountains) which Maui is known for.

I am on a travel assignment right now in Maui, I have lived here several months before.

I am going to give you a locals guide to visiting Maui.


shoots and ladders

This one was probably the scariest, thousands of people do it each year, but with some peer pressure I was pushed to do it haha. Being afraid of heights is not easy when most hikes in Maui require some elevation. This hike is on the west side, Honolua Bay in mile marker 47. You hike up to the cliff to the left and start repelling down really shady ropes, once you get down theres a reward in the end with a natural pool. Do not go when the surf is high, there will not be a tide pool.  The views are breathtaking, but the whole point of this hike is being high off of adrenaline.  If you are an adrenaline junkie.. this is the hike for you.

 Pipiwai Trail

One of my favorite hikes on Maui due to the microclimates that change as you walk through the trail. You have wooded areas that are plentiful with fruit like guava and lilikoi. I actually ate lilikoi as I was hiking the trail. So rewarding!

How to get there:

Pipiwai trail is a trail in the seven sacred pools ground. You have options of hikes you want to do, once you get to the “fork in the road” pipiwai will be the option to the left, and there will be signs to help guide you. The trail is very well maintained, half of the walk is a bamboo forest that has wooden walking trails. In the end you will see a waterfall, there will be signs that tell you not to pass and go into the waterfall area… but that’s optional ;).


Lahaina Pali Trail

Scenic coastal trail above the honoapiilani highway, theres two entrances; well I guess you can say that you can walk the trail either from the exit or entrance. We like to walk this trail from the Lahaina/oluwalu side… theres another entrance at the maalaea area. Make sure to bring good hiking shoes on this one, theres a lot of rocks and uneven rocks. This one is not one of my favorites, it is just very convenient if I want a quick cardio workout with legs because it is steep most of the time. There are no waterfalls but the view is very pretty. Bring water with you! It can get very hot up there.



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